Very First Let me thanks and salute all those soldiers who fought for us!
We are here because they were ther.
Well I went to theater with lot of expectation from JP duttas LOC.
But I was quite disappointed. Please do not take this review in context with THEE patriotism stuff. I saw this movie as raw audience. I have seen many movies but this movie I didnt liked a little bit. . Firstly the sets I heard they spent a hell lot of money on those but then I cant see any.
The sets were pathetic and action was too dull.
LOC tried much to lure audience with emotions and some effects of gladiator themes and saving private ryan but it looked like some mockery in Kargil war.
The film lacked power pack action and was busy with dull actions. Even the lighting effects were like some theater I mean drama theaters in the some small village having two or three lights shade. There were though few good scenes but truly speaking this movie doesn’t need any recognition as far as technicality is concerned.
All the lead actors were not able to run properly with the Guns its looked like some health fitness program has been conducted for few some civilians. COs and jawans looked not at all focused in the war but looked as if they were put in some other world.
Or I think cast was not paid properly…kidding Jokes apart
The script and study was nice but the sets and above all the acting of each lead roles were pathetic. Except Manoj Vajpai and Ashutosh Rana.
Rest is History. I would just say that it is good attempt but with Bad application. I wonder if all these stars were really paid any money. Because the way they acted it looked like. What should be a war movie like? Why is there any need to show all those love crap in such a big war. Only when you die you think of those thing or when you live but war is not about living a normal life it means lof of responsibility lot of pain lot of misery and how the hell can one hear tune of love !
Why was director so much stuck in showing all the fiancee and GFs and Wives all the movie. why do war movies need these things atall.. Ok to some extent I agree but all the time all the places. Oh GOD give me a break!.
Pros : Good Script and Events
Cons: Bad picturization , poor editing, poor performances, worst sets and many more