Indian Railway does not give salary to its ticketing staff?! Because, the way they loot the poor passengers can put any thief to shame. Give them a fifty rupee note and if you do not know the exact fare, expect at least 5 Rs. surcharge on your ticket, which I suppose is staff welfare taken without permission.
If you are a traveler in local trains most of you`ll must be aware of it, but those who aren?t, then beware, always look up the fare on the chart given near the counter, then stand in line. Always give exact change. we are in so much hurry most of the times, that the railway staff actually know who to loot.
For western railway, the culprit stations are Nallasopara, Dadar, Grantroad Elphinston, to name a few. But the most surprising of all is, we always are in the habit of trusting ladies staff, terming them as angels compared to the male staff, but the worst blow to your pockets will be from them, they take the full money say for e.g. 5 tickets and you will have only 3 tickets in your hand, once you move away from the counter that means you are not allowed to question their motives.
They don?t have any shame in ripping the poor victims in their lust for money , most of their victims are aged, illiterate & gullible people, who smoke their hard earned money on these gutless people, what right do they have to treat those who are responsible in providing them bread and butter. How can they treat us like this!
First of all they hold government jobs, they have good facilities, good salaries even then they behave as if they are working for free. Most of the times, only one counter is open during rush hour, so after standing in line for eternity, who has the patience to check the amount and tickets, and that is the main idea, let the load be on one counter so the people behind the victim does not allow the person to fight for his rights as they are in too much haste to bother about others.
So who do we complain to? As the railway Iron machine is so powerful, anybody who stands in front of it will get crushed without a second thought. So people beware of this government pickpocketers!!!!!!!