Hi there my name is vaibhav today I am giving my review on locanto .this is a website and app both . I had visited this website and app for the part time jobs but I got nothing than waste of time first you can feel it that its can helps you for part time jobs or other thing but its like only face book and other social media . they said you to register on their website and verify your number then fulfill your details home, address, age, dob, pincode, otherthings and then ask for the profile pics and cover pics, friends its a totally waste of time its only search the sites can provide you jobs, dating, shopping, game and otherthings but you will get nothing because I had tryed it for part time job and searched in jobs in vadodara but they gave me direct companies number and email id after that everytime I opend it they shows the new offers for various prodects for shopping and other category like classes, communites, events, jobs, personals, pets, real estate, service, vehicals etc. so you will get just information nothing elese. otherwise it just social media app for posting pics, follow other and see who follows you . so I suggest you do not waste your time . thank you .