Make no mistake
about this - you are buying this magazine to read advertisements because there
is not much else in it.Such publications are often provided
by airlines, hotels
etc..but here have got you to pay Rs.100/- just for reading
The only non-ad
content I found in the 250 pages April 2008 issue was a 4 page write-up about
some good artists and and a well chosen selection of
their paintings.
Ideally this
magazine would be appropriate reading for a "waiting room" type of environment:
an airport lounge or a beauty salon or even the dentist - to divert ones
attention momentarily.
I felt like titling
the subject of this review "welcome to bimboland" Go to google and enter
define:bimbo and you get
"A young woman indulged by rich and
powerful older men "
"a slang derogatory term for a
supposedly unintelligent and pliable woman".
But this would be
obviously unfair because many women can afford on their own steam , the stuff
they sell on these pages.... but then such women are supposed to be cerebral
too , a section to which this magazine is not targeted.