Story Line - The film is set in 2029 and is showing the the world is now with one mutants other than Logan( Wolverine) and Charles Xaviers. They are also showing that the school of Charles is not there and they are living or rather waiting for death near Mexican border.This is the time when LOGAN somehow meet a girl who seems to be same as Logan ( mutant) and then the story follows.Review - It has been a long journey of Wolverine ( played by Hugh Jackman) . He has been through a lot and has now is trying g to live a normal life followed by normal death. This movie will not deliver you guys the glory of X-Men as they are no more and The Wolverine has aged , this reducing his healing power and physical strength . The case of Charles Xaviers is also the same , he has slowed down and could not move on his own. He cannot even handle his mental ability like before. Logan is taking care of him in his last days.Although they are old that does not mean there will be less blood shed. It is found that this movie specially has a LOT MORE Blood shed and violence , it seems to a credit to Wolverine Claw as we may see it for the last time.Then comes the girl , Laura Kinney X-23 , played by Dafne Keen. This girls is also given with the power as same as Wolverine. Yes the adamantium claws and very agile movement capability. It was due to Charles that Logan got involved in the plan of saving the girl , which creating the tremendous actions and adventures in the movie. The plot goes very well with some high emotional scenes and quotes . The movie has successfully portrait the emotional attachment and relationship of these three people.These is a superb work by the director Mangold and the cast Hugh Jackman ( spectacular performance ) , Dafne Keen also proved his incredible acting skills and others .Verdict - A must watch although it will end with a bad note.The music , background score has played a very vital role in portraying the characters specially to show the intense conflict going inside LoganCinematography - The whole crew has given us such an amazing motion picture and the director itself has been giving us this kind of films for years thus it will be a great combo.( Hugh and Mangold)