Ive purchased this product from Flipkart for Rs.1225
This is a wired USB controller which has a button layout similar to the xbox controller. F310 is comfortable to use. The controller has rubber grips which gives you a slightly more premium feel than plastic and gives you a good grip for long gaming sessions.
The cable included is approximately 6 feet long so it allows you to sit at a distance from your screen despite not having a wireless reception. Its only downside is the lack of rumble and wireless reception. Otherwise this is a good controller for its price.
This controller will work with all the popular games. The games Ive tried this controller on is Fifa 14, Fifa 15 and few of the call of duty titles. I mostly use this controller to play Fifa.
Apart from gaming, this controller can also be used like a mouse. Its sometimes comfortable to browse the web with a controller. In my opinion this is the best controller you can get in this range.