Logitech is the most trusted company in the Gaming Accesories Industry whether it be a Gaming Mouse, Gaming Keyboards, Gamepads or any accesory related to gaming.
Logitech provides the one with the best quality and the most sturdiest feeling products.
Coming to the product itself, I bought this product for Rs2000 from my local market and came home, unboxed it, threw the manual away and plugged it in the USB port and started playing games. Later on I thought that It was so easy to set up that I didnt even bother to take a look on the insttiction manual. It has key mapping similar to the X-Box one Controller/Gamepad ( with X, Y, A, B, Lt, Rt, Lb, Rb)
After a few months I bought The Nvidia Shield K1 Tablet and just to try it out, I went to the local market and got an USB to microUSB converter and connected the gamepad to it and It was working smoothly( I saved another 3000Rs by using This controller, instead of buying shield controller) .
I would like to conclude by saying that this product is the most sturdiest, Reliable, Flexible among every other Gamepad/Controller out there!
This should be every Gamers First choice if hes on a budget