If you are looking for a mouse that will be a serious heavy-duty one then blindly go for this. This USB compatible mouse is a wonder in the category.
We generally dont pay much heed when buying computer peripherals viz., mice, keyboards, etc. But buying a better peripheral can be equally important as buying the motherboard or processor. There is a tendency of buying Frontech, Zebronics and other cheap mice available in this market. One might be elated at the first place to buy a mouse at so less a price and even competing with others for buying them at the lowest prices. But the fact is they rarely last longer. Comparing the Logitech M100 or the Microsoft mice with thosecheap mice one thing is very prominent that the life of the former is 3-4 times more than that of acheaper one.
The Logitech M100 or the M100r is very comfortable to hold and the clicking is very crisp. The accuracy is great, it never wobbles. The scroll works just fine and it has a click too which can be used as automatic scrolling.