When the news came about a Ranjith Mohanlal combo, I was really exicited to see what was in the store for Ranjith this time. The trailer where ok nothing fancy. But I kept my hopes up.
I went for the movie on its release and I was actually dissapointed with what I saw. We have seen this kinds of movies a thousand times are there was nothing new in it. I was pretty dissapointed. There were some good moments in the movie that made me smile. Bt the overall movie was not that good.
It was not that bad. But the movie wasnt upto the hype it created before its release. Mohanlal did a really good job portrating his character. His comedy timings are a treat to watch. Ranji Panicker and Abu Salim had nothing new to offer. Andrea Jeremiah did what was giben to her aptly.
Overall the movie doesnt reach the high expectations it created before its release. Its a one timw watch kinda movie.