When ever I hear word “Reservation” things which come to my mind are train, planes and movie ticket but now we can also add a new category in reservation in higher education through “QUOTA”.
Is it still necessary or there’s certain game plan by GOVT. that is undeniable? I read in one of the forward mails in which our NEHRU CHACHA wrote:”our country INDIA need not require things like RESERVATION where every person is unique in him/herself… “. Are GOVT. keeping the word of CHACHA NEHRU? Or GOVT. is just elaborating what CHACH NEHRU actually mend?
Also few people like ME who are supporting reservation said: Firstly there should be reservation in Indian politics such as 47% (SC/ST+OBCs) but country’s two largest parties(CONGRESS and BJP) are controlled by upper caste.
Then comes the funny but very sensitive part i.e. there should be reservation in Indian cricket team , you know how? From every 6 batsman, 2 should be from reserved category and from 4 bowlers 2 should be from QUOTA and regarding wicket keeper 1 out of every 4 games Wicket Keeper should from QUOTA. Will it be possible? Will we win the WORLD CUP 2007? According to PEOPLE NO but according to POLITICIANS YES .
And why don’t there be reservation in BOLLYWOOD where HEROS and HEROINS and VILLIAN TOO will be having 47% reservation. And every 4th MOVIE should be directed and written by OBC or SC/ST .Why not? Why BOLLYWOOD should be spared? BACKWORD CLASS SHOULD GET THE CHANCE TO PROVE THEM. Then why not start from here? Why from IITs and IIMs?
From 1, 223 seats in total six IIMs out of which 20% for OBC and from rest of 80% getting into IIMs is as tough as snatching world cup from Australia in Australia when Australia at its peak. Perhaps more then that if it increases to 47%. Where in IITs ( At present )16% reservation 9-10% seats reserved are always vacant i.e. not occupied by caste (general category+obc+sc+st). That means out of 16% reserved , 50% reserved seats always vacant and after increasing it to 47% will OBCs get more chance? And Quick-Fix solution by GOVT. , increasing seats overall but the problem still continuous. Increasing number of seats will not solve the problem but the problem soars further, earlier where there were only 50 seats (approx.) vacant in IIT -B now will be 115 seats vacant and same is the case with all six IIMs. Will companies from abroad come for campus recruitment? Will they get the most intelligent from the intelligent once the reservation is 47%? And are there enough infrastructures for this upgradation to handle?
Strictly NO NO ….on TOI Mumbai dated May 25, 2006 HEADLINE “FACULTY DON’T GROW ON TREES”- the whole truth and nothing else. Where is the infrastructure to support this huge change which govt. has takes decision upon and so shortly for the future of INDIA. I do not know why GOVT. is reserving seats at higher education where 8 out of 10 dalits drop out of the school before 10th std. that means drop-out rate is approx. 80%.
Politicians will never understand what the getting higher education in INDIA is? Because their own (politician’s) children go to US, UK, Australia, Europe and other Foreign Countries for education. GOVT. is doing all this because GOVT. do not want their VOTE BANK to go to other parties as 37.82 is the literacy rate among SCHEDULE CASTES and giving them bait like reservation is easy way to get those VOTES. GOVT. only wants that voters will again elect UPA in center as well in state. Days are not far when there will be QUOTA for general category. Perhaps EUNICH will be getting reservation. They account very much what we see on streets perhaps they will be next focus for GOVT.
Why do not we start educating from the root to the OBCs right from primary level not giving them any reservation but helping them through NGOs and ourselves? GOVT. has started it , like, compulsory education of primary level why not strengthen it and GOVT. should support these NGOs to help educating BACKWARDS. There is no use of reserving higher educations seats where our PRIMARY DROPOUT RATE IS SO HIGH.
In future , many people will get the FAKE SC/ST certificate for nearly Rs.1000/- to 1500/- and will reserve their seats in IITs or IIMs. And many other courses and then might these few vacant seat get filled and perhaps better results ….. Might be now in future : Amitabh Bachchan will ask Shashi Kapoor in DEEWAR-2007 (Movie): ” merae paas daulat haeee, IIT kii deegrii haee IIM kii seat haee tereee paas kyaa haee?” Shashi Kapoor will say “merae paas……. merae pass RESERVATION HAE BHAIYA..”. From now onwards mother will pray: “haee bhagwan hamare gahr maee SC/ST or OBC padaee karma( PLEASE GOD WE WANT ONLY SC/ST or OBC as our child)”
I have noticed one more thing, no party in LOK SABHA is speaking or opposing this reservation issue…either they are afraid that their VOTE BANK will be lost or there’s something huge or unthinkable what UPA is doing , who knows ? where is our YOUNG LEADERS who one speak for the youth. Why do not they show at time of crisis and shows only when they need vote (at times of election).
I read this sentence when I was in 10std. our GOVERNMENT is democratic it means GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE and FROM THE PEOPLE. How can anyone forget that what democracy stands for? Is it stands for separating the people on caste or religion or state or colour or QUOTA? There will be time when every religion will be having its own QUOTA. Then how will you fight that? Dr. Ambedkar said reservation should be there but only for first 15 years that too because these backward class should get settled in India and can support their own family and then can help others. But politicians are carrying this practice further only for their VOTE BANK….
I also agree that reservation should be there but not on Caste or religion or colour but on the bases of poverty. People who are below poverty line should get concessions in school fees, collage fees and higher study fees. They should get the entrance forms at subsidized rate and other things which will help them not MAKE THEM VOTE BANKS.
I went to FAME (MOVIE THEATER) where everyone stands to NATIONAL ANTHEM. I felt very proud that every INDIAN still honors at least the national anthem. Why do not we all stand this time again for our INDIAN to make NO RESERVATION COUNTRY EITHER STOP IT NOW OR SUFFER FURTHER. One of my friends said “OUR FUTURE DEPENDS UPON OUR PRESENT”. Last 50+ years what have we done by making the reservation in education what we have achieved nothing but VOTERS for SOME political parties. This is appeal to all INDIANS NOT TO ANY GENERAL OR OBC OR SC/ST OR ANY OTHER CASTE. WE the people of INDIA do not need any reservation of any type and on any type. This is another trap set by politicians to further divide INDIANS. Their (politicians) concern is only the VOTE BANK. It’s their way of increasing their VOTE BANK.
In future they will further divide us in other ways and again earn their VOTE BANK. So this is my appeal to all Indians this time we have to stand together and REMOVE QUOTA WORD FROM THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA and then why not young GUNS can take the seats in LOK SABHA. This team will not having any QUOTA but only those who think intelligently how to make INDIA - A BIG INDIA in every means NOT ON BASIS OF ANY QUOTA.