Being a regular reader of this newspaper since my childhood till date (Except during their strike), I would say, the standard of this publication is going down to rags. Especially in last three-four years. The editorials are very cheap and sometimes crude. Except for their Jivan-Sathi on sunday, I dont think any articles are very well researched. The current crusade against rival newspaper is very very shameless and stupid. It doesnt matter what others are doing. What matters is the papers approach to the truth. Some good writers are missing from the scene, for quite some time. The newspaper seems to be absolutely blocking any other point of view. It has almost turned into a monotonous propoganda. There used to be time when bad was considered bad and not better than the worst. It seems that anything is ok, as long as it is pro for the newspaper policy. I would very much prefer the paper to go back to its normal.