If you love Rains then lonavala is the best place to visit
in monsoon.But I would strongly recommend not to go there by train as lonavala railway station is worst without any facilities.While express highway from mumbai is too good to travel.One can reach in 90 minutes.
Lonavala is a beautiful place with beautiful weather.
there is not a single piece of land without greenery. Here
its raining almost 20 hours in a day but its always coming
& going with light showers so if you have rain gears with you you are ready to explore the beautiful lonavala.Here one
can see fog at any time of the day & also its exciting to feel a small cloud passing around you.
I had visited lonavala in the middle of august.with my
family & there we had stayed at treasure island resorts
which itself is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains.
Lonavala lake is a beautiful place to see.lake is so big
that one can see waves coming & going. Bhushi dam is also
another beautiful place.here people comes to have a bathe
in the waterfalls.
In my whole trip to lonavala I had seen more than 40 waterfalls coming from here & there from the mountains.
atmosphere & air over here is so cool & refreshing that
one would feel that its heaven & ofcourse lonavalas famous
maganlal chiiki & fudge.its the best thing to carry back
home & to remember lonavala agin & again while eating that.