Man, this one jumps the shark at least once every five minutes.and I think thats being generous to the film. The CGI effects are uneven, some are okay while others look like they belong in a low budget movie made twenty years ago. The politics of the film are fine, if your politics line up with those of Donald Trump. The script of the film is truly laugh-inducing.
The action is sub-real. The acting is okay, but the actors dont have much to work with. My favorite moment was when the back window of the SUV the President is riding in, which has taken dozens bullets without shattering is totally breached when a motorcycle-riding would-be assassin crashes into the back of the car, creating a huge hole the size of the riders helmet.
And finally, the production commits a cardinal sin by killing off Angela Bassetts character very early in the story. But then maybe she asked to be killed off after she read the first draft of the script.