Ive been a loyal customtakeouter of Loop since more than 3 years and suddenly out of nowhere they have started acting funny since sometime. I had exceeded my credit limit for which their customtakeouter care called me.
BUT didnt inform me ke if I dont pay it TODAY, they will bar my outgoing which they did the same evening, when I paid almost 90% of the Outstanding without receiving the bill, they didnt say anything for that. and its only 200 rs left for payment for which I still have another 15 days to pay and they have SUSPENDED MY CARD??? This is so ridiculous and unacceptable. and the best part is ke they have not even informed me prior. When I saw other loop users had the network, I called up their customtakeouter care and there they said your Outstanding is exceeded, when I asked them to check their server again they realised ive paid the amount and now they say it will take another 2 hrs???
Dear Loop, if this is your service, can I too pay my bills with a grace period of 2 months or so?
Please, if any of a Loop Authority is reading this, have the Balls to reply to this.
Once again the same issue...
got a bill of 1258 out of which I paid 1000 before the bill issues on 2nd (3rd of every month) just got a outstanding of 258 and they again suspend my card...???guess I need to suspend their services only...
GUYS IN MUMBAI...trust me LOOPs a pain and if you have a suggestion to solve my problem plz do so.
Thanks everyone.
An update on the review:- I again visited the Loop gallery yesterday evening @ 6pm and came to know that my so called gprs usage limit has again exceeded. where ive already taken a 1gb pack please ppl let me know how can you exceed 1gb in the period of just 6 days??? anyways cutting the crap, I told him that Im ok to pay some money in advance but need my line activated. Again I paid 1000Rs. yesterday where my so called unbilled amount was only 268 its been 16 hrs til now and my fone has not yet started. Now what does the Loop representatives have to say. Im trying to call customtakeouter care but not able to get thru as the line gets disconnected everytime. Now whos fair???