Have Loop no for past 3yrs n call drops, network issues are a everyday thing.However I am not writing this review for all this purpose but loops unablithy even to answer their helpline nos.I have been calling them since 9am till 5.30pm n no1 is even remotely intrested to pick up their helpline nos, in between I called their nodal off (they are the so called higher authority)who can solve issues if the helpcare people cant, even to my dismay they are not taking calls.
I had called nodal officer post lunch n she promised to solve my issue(even a sms to acitivatea new plan does not work on loop)n told she would call back n now she is not taking my calls n d issue here is just to acitivare a plan which by sending a sms is not getting activate.Loop people should read this n be ashamed of themselves that their cusotmers are going thru all this n more, its is simply so disgusting!!!WAKEUP SERVICE PROVIDERS GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!