This time flashback movie didn’t worked for me. The whole young, younger and old age concept of the looper actually become a little confusing at the end. Motion picture was built up and exaggerated a great deal, then again it didnt met the exclusive standard, initial 45 minutes are so exhausting and you will get exhausted without a doubt.
By gong with the script you will surely feel that the idea was new yet didnt executed well. This could have been a vastly improved, yet its not and the greatest frustration. This may look somewhat of a time travel but there are instances which make things very less convincing.
The movie is more like one guy fighting with himself from other time stamp. Second half is vastly improved than first half yet not great, once a the reality of the situation will become obvious eventually where you will expect some turn will happen however at then end you will discover nothing. In the wake of viewing the motion picture, I was exceptionally baffled. The movie “Back from the future” is will turn up to be better clearer than this fictional movie.