Though its a bit late to write the review on this 2 year old movie.. I still find its worth to share my experience.
As most of the ardent fans of this trilogy, I too watched the movie without reading the book. but the complexity and amazing depth of the book by Tolkien , a really master story teller, can be comprehended by seeing the movie.
Third part, though not as extravagant as the second one , is more emotionally involving. Right from the Frodos(Elijah woods) suffering because of the ring , his mind being poisoned by the smeagol against samwise , his best friend , to the emotional crowning ceremony of Aragorn ...its all there; the pain, the drama, the passion and courage.
Viggo Mortenson (other movie-> Hidalgo , another beautiful movie) is simply amazing as rightful king of Gondor, cant get any better. Orlando boom as Legolas and ian mckellan as white wizard gandolf are too good.Not to leave behind others, who were awesome.Peter jackson, the director should be applauded for getting such a beautiful ensemble of actors ..
The background music is haunting and camera effects the best u can imagine.
Some of the scenes are really unforgettable:
- When the beacon is lighted initially at Minas tirith (the capital of Gondor) and the way the message is coveyed to rohan for help, through a series of beacons(Flame signalling!)is eye popping..
2.when aragorn goes to mountain people (who are dead and are still prisoners of their failed oaths..) and speaks to the their king.. You will answer to the king of Gondor(using his sword.. ) is as authoritative and majestic as a king can get..
- The final war scene.. whole of it actually, ... especially when Eowyn( daughter of theoden)cuts the head of the nazgul(the evil bird creature) and then kills the evil king of armar(man chosen by sauron to be the future king of middle earth)..
4.The best.. during the coronation of aragorn as the king of Gondor.. everyone bows to him.. when the 4 hobbits(frodo and others) try to bow.. aragorn says you bow to no one.and all those present bow to the hobbits... what more befitting way of paying respect to the true heroes???...
I have watched it many times and this timeless classic doesnt look any less interesting ... those who have watched it, watch it again to discover more and more of the story!!!....
Can go on writing as there is so much to write about.. but words aint sufficient.
It deserved 11 oscars for each of its episode.
Biased I may look, but I dont think theres going to be any other trilogy so endearing anywhere in the near future...