...And we all lived happily ever after. Does that line sound familiar? Well the much awaited trilogy of the Lord of the Rings had a similar ring to it in The Return of The King.
The Return of King finally ends the series of Lord Of Rings. I would say it was one of the better trilogies I have seen. In fact it was the most successful one as oppose Terminator that came out almost after a decade.
The Return Of the King revolves around the Frodo and Sam continuing their journey and reaching the final destination of dropping the ring in the fire.
The acting, cinematography, effects are amazing.
Each character has been well portrayed. Frodo and Sam have acted beyond their standards portraying their role as hobbits. Merry and Pipin have a longer role in the movie and play important parts. They give the movie its own cuteness.
The sets are great. With amazing castle withstanding. The sets, the battles, and the soundtrack keeps you glued to your sits.
Though the movie does have its own flaws. At the beginning it starts slowly bt instantly progress with good battles.
I personally believe that if you have spent your time watching the first 2 movies of the triology then you might aswell watch this one as it gives a satisfaction to know what the end is, a ver predictable end.
A word of advice go to the washroom before you see this movie and carry some popcorn and coke with you, it helps- its 3 hr long movie and there is no intermission!!!