The Lord of the Rings is a packaged as a trilogy.He creates languages, mythologies and histories which allows the book to be received as many different levels. It is not a difficult book to read although it can seem a bit daunting as it is so large, but I would definitely recommend it be read, even by people who dont like fantasy.
To compare this book to his others really wouldnt be fair on you, or the author. Out of all the other stories that I have read of his, The Hobbit is the only one I can honestly say that I really really enjoyed.
With the part-1 : The Fellowship of the Ring talking about the reason for the journey, the banding of the group, and the first part of their journey. It ends with the losing of one of their main allies, and at the end of this book, it seems that all hope is lost for the Fellowship, and the saving of Middle-earth.
The next part: The Two Towers is all about the break up of the big company. Frodo and his trusty companion Sam Gangee have to continue the journey alone. at this time, gollum returns.....gollum is ugly and yucky.....u feel disgusted on reading about him for the first time. but as you read on, he realy grows on you. Although he is not the nicest of characters, both in looks and life, there is a certain endearing quality about him. He has a touch of nativity. He makes you forget that hes basically a baddie.
The final part to the longest story (if u havent thrown the book out of sheer frustration by now)The Return of the King: sees the return of the much missed ally that they lost in the first instalment. And the story comes to an exciting climax. The Armies of Sauron are collecting together, his reign is getting bigger all the time. We are witness to a game of strategy between good and evil. The mighty and moral magic of Gandalf takes on the dominant and dark devilry of Sauron. There can be only one victor.
Other books by the same author are Farmer Giles of ham, The Hobbit, Sir Gawain and the Green knightand Silmarillion......
ultimately, what I say it is a month long excitign and yet boring reading tooo..............<b/>