My friend gave me her Loreal Elvive nutri-ceramide conditioner when she was leaving college for summer vacation, so I only had less than half a bottle to use. I dont have the bottle with me anymore, but basically it was supposed to strengthen brittle hair and prevent split ends, because it contained ceramide, a main component of the cuticle, the outermost layer of hair.
I have dry hair, very wavy, prone to frizz in humidity and unmanageable at times, especially without a hairdryer.The main reason I like Loreal products is the amount of scientific research they put into their shampoos/conditioners to improve hair quality.
Since I had never used it before, I was surprised at how creamy the conditioner was, and easy to comb through my hair. It seemed to soften and transform my hair to silk. And when I dried my hair, I noticed for the first time ever with any hairwashing product, it tamed my frizzy hair, especially the baby hairs which stand out like aerials from my head ! And the more I used it, the better the condition of my hair. When I came to India, I tried looking for it in the market, but disappointingly, its not available here. But curly, frizzy heads out there, its definitely worth trying !