Expectations are bound to be overwhelming when you go to watch a movieby the GenX of an illustrious family (the Coppolas) and also if youalready know that it has an Oscar to its credit .So it was only likelythat I started watching the movie with sky high expectations and it wasonly inevitable that I was not disappointed . After all its in her(Sofia Coppolas) genes ! She allowed me to get lost in (Japanese)translations and then to find myself amidst new realizations .
Nowlet me bring the review back on track . The movie is about twoindividuals who are poles apart but ends up in the same place and insimilar situation . Bob Harris (Bill Murray) is an American actor whosin Tokyo to shoot a commercial . On the other hand Charlotte (ScarlettJohannson) is the newly wed wife of a photographer who is too busy tofind time for his beautiful partner . Bob is bored and fed up with hiscontract . He cant properly communicate with the Japanese crew andhes the one who is literally "Lost in Translation". Charlotte isalways bored , lonely and frustrated . To make things worse her husbandmeets one of his ex muses Kelly (played by Anna Faris of Scary moviesfame , I must confess that she looked stunning!) . All these people aredwelling in the same hotel and so it is only a matter of time till theystart noticing each other . So finally Bob and Charlotte befriend eachother and despite of their age difference a tender relationshipblossoms . I wont discuss the plot further here and spoil the partyfor the ones whove yet to watch the movie . The only thing I wouldlike to say is that the relationship is more of a psychological kindrather than physical . They discuss their problems and provideemotional support to each other . They dont have any ill feelings fortheir spouses and also talks about them . Intelligently placed humorousmoments fill the gaps well . Specially Bobs escapades with his inepttranslator and the Japanese director are really amusing .
Themovie proceeds at a delectably leisurely pace . Its not abouttechnical wizardry or breathtaking stunts . The least I can say is thatit is a beautifully woven dream on the backdrop of a restlessmetropolis called Tokyo . The most beautiful aspect of the movie is thematurity of the relationship of the two lead characters . One have towatch it to realize it . As far as direction and screenplay areconcerned Ill say only one thing , "genes dont lie". Sofia Coppolahas done justice to her lineage and has given us one of the best moviesof recent times . Performances are also first rate . Scarlett Johannsonis one of the most talented actors of this era . Shes too young andyet too matured . Bill Murray delivers as usual and Im sure I donthave to explain it further .
In the end I would like to saythat this is one of the most beautiful and soulful movies I have everseen . But one has to be patient and attentive enough to appreciate thereal beauty of this movie . This is a feel good type of movie . Afterwatching it youll be moved , yet youll be happy .