I ve just got my hands on the new novel by super author dan brown the lost symbol, it was highly anticipated nonel and had the biggest pre order in its publishers history.
According to the reportsd the novel toook a few years to write and and the dan brown name has ensured that the novel reach number one spot on bestsellers list and amazon.com . I liked the previous book da vinci code though more for the research work done by the author rather than the plot which was full of coincidences .
the new book starts with somewhat similarthings, the claim by the author that all artwork , rituals etc are accutrate , the hero is called early at his place and thrown into the unknown web of events happening at a really fast pace. I wont go into details of plot and play a spoiler but it all is too repetitive secret socities , secsret rituals , someone using a secret society to get at an lost piece of hoistory, the description of architecture the hint that powerful people in the past were members of a secret society and that there are hidden meanings in perfectly innocent cith street designs or buildings .this time the scene is the u.s.a . repetitive is the word that comes to my mind though I think everyone will read it atleast once.
It is intereting that I wathed salman kahns latest movie also and their are parallels in that and the book , forgive me dear ms members if I am taking my imagination too far but the paralles are exact ( a quote from a holmes novel) BOTH THE BOOK AND MOVIE are much hyped , the name involved are big salman and brown and also have their share of controversies though dan brown is not yet acused of conducting his bussiness(writing books) after having a few glasses of the heavenly nectar (wine ), publicity is huge , though I coudnt find anything new in both plots yet I went for it and I thing so would all of you.