To start with I m a die hard romance reader. Love Story was the book given to me by a friend to read on the bet that the ending shall make me cry and with me arguing on the point that books never make me cry. Friends, I lost the bet and I cried and felt why couldnd for god sake the author give it a happy ending. Well for the past years I have read the book again and again but still feel that it can be read once again.
This story is about Oliver and Jennifer. A love story that will touch you deep down your heart. The love between them is the only common thing between them. The book start with a quote by Oliver What can you say about a twenty-five-year-old girl who died? That she was beautiful, and brilliant, that she loved Mozart and Bach. And the Beatles and me. Oliver, a Harvard ice hockey jock and Jennifer, a wise cracking Radcliff music major. Economically they are from vast different backgrounds. The conversation between them will sometimes bring a smile on your face and sometimes will even make you laugh.
Their love starts from college and then matures into marriage with the support of Jennys father and non support of Olivers family. The love they share is much more then the sacrifices they do. with Jenny working as a teacher, Oliver graduates and finds a paid job in New york and just when they think everything is great there comes a twist and they find that they have everything except time coz Jenny suffers from Leukemia.
The ending of the book with Oliver coming close to is father as when telling him about Jennys death is very touching.
This book is of a love that I feel every person feels should exist in their lives. A someone who was in love, who is in love or hopes to be in love. Love story is a story of perfect love. A love we all dream of.
The theme of the story Love means not ever having to say youre sorry. feels so sweet.
A book which a must read and if you are a collector then the book is a must in your collection. A book to be gifted to your loved ones. A book worth to force your friend to read it.
In 1970s there was also a movie made on the book Love Story by the same name with Ryan ONeal as Oliver and Ali MacGraw as Jenny. A definitely superb direction as in the book. I have seen the movie too. And should say that you shouldnt miss it too.