Love Story by Erich Segal is a wonderful book loved by millions around the world!A truly touching story that affects even a stoned-heart!
Just as the name suggests, the book revolves around the beautiful love story of Oliver Barret IV and Jenny Cavilleri, who are complete opposites and have only love common between them!
What is Love?
This four-letter word contains the whole world in it.It contains feelings which are stronger than anything present!!
I wish to tell you a small story written by me which will somewhat explain and give you a brief hint about the main theme of love in this book:
Rina opened the door of her apartment all drenched.It was one of those raining days.She changed and took a hot cup of tea and sat beside the window sill just watching the rain pouring down.
This was a very familiar day.It reminded her of Raj.They both had met on the same very bus-stop opposite her place.He had given her, his umbrella just out of courtesy and she had very rudely refused it.
Then just as if God had wished, they started bumping into each other and eventually fell in love..Rina had never felt anything about anyone as she felt for him.They were two love birds whom everyone adored, they called them the perfect couple. They were supposed to get married soon, and no one was happier than these two.
It was one day before the big day and Raj was supposed to meet Rina, he saw her across the road and a big smile immediately filled his face, he ran towards her unknowingly of the huge truck coming towards him.
Rina saw him, tried to warn him of the danger that was charging towards him, but no voice came out.She tried to scream but she couldnt.God had been mean to her, by not providing her with the beautiful gift of speech since the time of birth but she never complained she had Raj.And now he was dead in front of her eyes!
Tragedy struck her, they both said everything with just their eyes, as both were speech-impaired!Rina had never been able to love anyone after that, it had been 5 years, but the image was still so vivid!Rina had managed to live just with Rajs wonderful memories!
Thats what true love is!Love is blind, deaf, dumb but still the most perfect and amazing feeling ever!
This story by Erich Segal too depicts the same wonderful feeling! Oliver Barrett IV and Jenny Cavilleri, two people from two worlds united by love!They face the hardships of money, when Olivers father abandons him from his property when Oliver marries Jennifer.They both make life work with their faith in each other.They enjoy and have fun!
Then tragedy struck them when Jennifer is diagnosed with cancer.They try to be cool and hide their pain, but are there for each other till the end!
Thus, this book is the ideal one for all people, in love or who wish to experience it.An absolute classic, touching story which will make you stay glued to the very end!
So, go enjoy and read this fabulous book!
P.S:I know its very different from my usual style of writing, but I hope you all like it.Please do comment.Thanks!