LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
The true reviews
if you dont trust go to LAW GATE OF LPU
2.The faculty especially the old one is on setting the family business in LPU. ie husband in lpu sponsoring his wife as a new faculty member . Eg MOHIT ARORA of INTELIGENT SYSTEMS.
Techers exploitating girls students for marks. Sex is common for them.
One student who placed at 3 cr package was placed at dar lessser package in LPU.
He got 3 cr package on his own
The fees is very High and beyond the reach of common man.
Its all abt marketing ..nothing in concrete
8 Some teachers are pests ie MOHIT ARORA , PRATEEK AGARWAL of intelligent systems who just can do anything..
10 so go and see the future of your loved one spoiled in case they join LPU ????.just