Hello peoples mh name is uday
And I am doing B-TECH from this university by the ECE branch , I come to know abuot this university by the telivision and friends
I had given the entrence exam of this that is very cool examination , and the basis of that examination I got scholership of 90000 ₹; par year , it is very good scholership ,
When we talk about the acedemics the program scheme and the course is too good ,
And the teachers are also good , but there is some teachers who is not good ,
Administration of the university is nice the managment system of this university is too good it is the no. 1 university in india in the managment , it have own application, websites, and so many things which helps it to manage everything ,
The environment of this university is soo nice it have students from many countries , and from every states of india ,
And every semester there is lots of activies occures , like cultural activities and science exibitions ans more etc.
You can feel a GREAT exposure after coming in this university
There is lots of activties for your personality development and for your soft skills ,
The placement of this university is as similer as other universities but there is little diffrence also , students from this is working in google and amazon also in 1 crore ₹; packages
Only this university have 100% anti-reging campus , the seniors is so friendly , there in no diffrence between juniors and seniors it also a good point of it ,
There is no alumini network , or I don't know about that,
If you are finding a greate privete college in very less fees and for a great exposure
Then I recomend you to come in this university