The Fact Why im Writing The review That the movie is Funny But Both Part Of movie is same before interval Or After Interval before interval The story about The boy the acting Of Casts are Not So Much Good They have done overacting at Some period of Time, the story of a boy And Girl who Met In the Party how they Have slept after that They dont know each Other The boy Given The Girl a desiginer shirt which Is given To Him By Her Upcoming mother in law, then he Searched for The Girl Find Her in The College then she told Him what Happen after party When The Hero is Drunk they all This Goes on a Stupid story after That All The Bulshit the boy fell In love with The Girl who Met Her after party but he dont have guts to tell his Sisters that he will not marry to thr girl whom they selected and married to The Girl then after some Time he divorced, then he is so much Confused in His life then his fried take him to different country and He Met again To The same Girl after 5 years and the all Story rewind again this time girl is going To Be married But Some How se Manage and marry To The Guy The hero Of This movie