Just for a awareness to all who want to join in Lucent Maracons. Think 100 times before joining and resigning previous company.
At the document verification, they asking you to deposit the original document(degree certificate, appointment, relieving letter of previous companies) with them for a short period but after that they will keep these documents till confirmation, that could be 6 months/ 1yr/ 2 yrs or never ever. They will not give any offer letter/Joining letter & receiving letter for these documents in written.
Fortunately I got number of previous employees which they shared their experience with me. One of them is even lost Govt job.
One guy told, got the certificate after police FIR even after 3 months left the job.
One of guy said, he had got a job in good MNC but they dont allow to move forward.
They are doing such practice with freshers as well as experience holder.
All these things they not sharing at the time of interview/selection. They will ask this thing after joining. .