The Movie is pathetic and the storyline lacks strength to hold on the audience.
The Movie was definitely not worth the 150 bucks I shelled out, expecting to watch an interesting movie. One would like to get out of the hall as soon as possible to end the torcher being imposed.
The first half is full of Sallu mias Poor Jokes. Just when you think something exiting is going to happen, then comes the song which slows down the pace of the movie even furthur (even though some of the songs are nice, its the timing was not good)
The only thing you would want to see in the movie is Sneha Ullals Amazing Ressemblence to Aish and the Scenic natural beauty shown in some of the scene (The movie is set up in Russia). In fact, in some of the scenes I could not believe the woman I am watching is not Aishwarya Rai.
Half the dialoges are in Russian which keeps you wondering that what the hell is being said.
For a change, let me mention the things which I liked about/in the movie:
Scenic Beauty
Mithun da - Special mentions for Mithun da whose camio brought some life to the movie.
Sallus Car
First song (Lucky Lips)
......... cant think of more
All those still planning to watch the movie WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK.