Before you read the review let me just say that Summers have come and this movie has started and now there are many more to come, After you read this review you will have to comment me your Favourite Summer Dress and Drink and then you comment on the movie review, okkkkkkkkkk.
A 17 yr. old girl carries a dream as she herself lives in a cold dream called Russia, she thinks of a prince that will come in her life and make her feel special and kiss her Lucky Lips, the prince do comes but times in her land have become torrid and how she carries her dream along with him embracing an escapade overall , is what Lucky is all about, so theres No Time for Love
Late Gulshan Kumar Presents, A Sohail Khan Productions Lucky-No Time for Love stars Salman Khan who is the prince, Sneha Ullal (17 yr old), Mithun Da (The Saviour) are starring in pivotal roles in this movie.....
Whoaaa So the Excitement!!!!!
Sneha Ullal a Aishwarya Look Alike, Cuty-Sweety etc etc, Shot in Russia probably after a long time we see that on the Indian Celluliod, Salman Khan looking good, my fav. Mithun Da... and the Class Music by Adnan Sami.
Whoaa it Fizzzles.....!!!!!
Lucky Drags, it lacks the powered performance from any of the lead, it has shody screenplay and many a time the Russian Language used irritates coz its summer here, I mean we live in India thats why....
Cold Performances
Salman Khan as Aditya, is alrite to be very frank, he has laughed badly in the first half but is at ease in the second half of the movie but he looks good overall for the character he has been given.
Sneha Ullal as Lucky lady Well if 12th std. school girls are so dumb then I might not relate to it, she has to do something with her voice and expressions, being the first movie I tolerated it but next time I might not. I thnk in many scenes she looks like Aishwarya thats it.
Mithun Chakravorty as Pindidas Kapoor funny it may sound but thats it , I thought it was a irritating character he played and wasnt given much scope but since we have to add some value the directors gave him ineffective scope to act.
Direction by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru (Kaliyon ka Chaman and Kaanta Laga music video fame) is average with some scenes handled well, they set the initial reels well but later on the screenplays plays with them.
Music by Adnaaaaan Saaami , (I hope that makes him read heavy) is the USP of the movie if I have to put it that way, its melodious and hummable. The ones which stand out are Lucky Lips (way it is shot), Chori Chori and Aake Bharlu...
Cinematography, well I dunno thats by whom but it was done well , I mean Russia had to be portrayed as fairy land and some how he/she was successfull in doing that, Supporting cast acts for fulfillment of Reels and dont have much scope on the whole.
Lucky sets the premise of a Fairy Tale type movie of a young girl but somehow it just nose dives into a routine normal kinds of a love story, it has its moments but overall its a no no. Watch it for Sneha Ullal just for curiosity, Watch it if you are Salmaans fan or watch it for Mithun Da if you want to see how he acts in A grade movies or just watch it for Time pass.
Cticizes Quote:: I watched it out of excitement but somehow found that I am passing time, songs are good and one should listen to them with eyes closed to have more effect especially the Adnan and Latajis song, Rest all just tolerable ones, so watch it once coz its not as worse as Fun or Bewafa for that matter
Rate and Comment and tell me your favourite summer drink and dress.
© Cticize 04 2005