Hi friends,
It is very good app and good for group gaming it is enteraining game.
One of best ludo game compare to other game. It dont make mobile slow. A
nyone can play this game. All children young or adult. Mon dad or granny all love. Actually it was played a lot by all in the board. Board was paper or magnetic.
Roles was Minimum two players and maximum four players. All players had four four tokens. It had four colours as now. Each plays turn by turn. Tokens start when six come by throwing dicks. Anyone who reaches first with all tokens at home, wins the game.
Now it played on mobile. It is played withTwo players, four players, with computer and online with many players.
It is very enjoyable and entertaining game. Loved by all.
My friend was admitted in the hospital and was admitted in the ICU. No one is allowed there. I, her sister and brother was with him. In the night we was told to awake whole night. We all were feeling sleepy. Sunndenly, I remembered about this game to avoid sleep. We all started playing ludo and we didnt come to know when it was morning.
It after he was well, we all went to tour and over there also we played it and had lots of fun.