Figo, the portugals mainstay, is definitely qualified to be among the best in the world.His crosses match that of Beckhams and at times even better.His dribbling skills, if not the best , is pretty good and he has an eye for the slightest of chances.Sure there are lots of players who are good footballers but what makes me love Figo is his comittment to the game and his cool attitude.I mean , the way he took the corner kick against Barcelona admist very bad crowd trouble and bottle throwing aimed at him, surely has won him a place in millions of hearts.Also Figo like Roberto Carlos does fall back to aid the ailing defence of Real Madrid.I feel the very presence of Figo is tantalizing for the opposition.
Not many drawbacks with him, but he has a far greater potential than what he actually delivers and at times leaves the finishing to the centerforwards.This has cost him quite a few goals