We bought this inverter 5 years back as we live in a place where power cut is very common. During winters it is not a very much if an issue but the heat during the summers in unbearable at night and you cannot sleep without a fan or an ac.
Thks inverter is a product that solved all those problems of our and gave us power backup for nearly 5 and a half years without any issues.The day we installed it only one time we had to call somebody once as the wiring was not properly done but after that no problems at all.
This inverter gives a great battery backup of nearly 718 hours and in my house we use 3 fans 5 lights and one computer and several devices to charge and we never had any problems with this inverter.
I did change the batteries not because they stopped working but they were pretty old and were not giving the same backup as before. But I dont have complaints about that. After 5 years one repair is negligible.
It gave us plenty of backup and the battery charging technology is really good and In a matter of hours its completely charged.I am very satisfied with this product and for very person its my advice who is looking for a good inverter go for it.