Bware of luminous traps only slogans no service.**A very poor service back up. the equipment is of 800 va as claimed but a tv will not run on this. my neighbourhood tv is running on 600 va systems from other manufacturers.
Never never never you will get a service. not to purchase this equipment at all . their service center helpline will keep on forwarding your complint but it will never get attended. the technician may visit you but the problem will remain as it is..
I donot know how to address the issue. very low backup. **high promises never kept. I am tired of the system . my local distributor says they are helpless. the batteries are under 3 years warranty and i paid a very high price assuming three years of warranty and now i feel cheated.
Hence my advice to all of you who are considering the purchase of the invertor please do not purchase this . the following are the reasons:
1.If you purchase 800 va the delivered unit will be only 500 va. i am an electronics engineer and you can take my words on this.
2.Chances are that your computer will get destroyed since they claim it to be an ups technology and safe for the computers but your computer is likely to be damaged .
3.There will not be any demo. chances arte that the technician will visit you just to get his report signed.
4.Your complaint will be addressed only after 3 days. repeat this 10 times and your summer is gone.
- Your complaint will be transferred but head office will never respond.*