I bought an Invertor System (Luminous along with the battery) on 13/8/08 at a price of Rs.19600/-. After sometime the invertor stopped working so I filed a complaint on 1/9/08 which was looked into by Engineer Raj. .He replaced the battery and charged me Rs.750/- for transportation and battery carriage. After a month the invertor started with the same problem. A second complaint (10/10/08) was filed.
An engineer visited and told us that the battery again need to be replaced and charged me Rs. 300/- for the transportation. Since that day no further action was taken for the replacement of the battery. After that whenever I called the service centre a fresh complaint number is given to me but my problem is not adhere to. I even tried to call the manager but he is also adjourned my calls.
If no further action is taken on my complaint i will be looking forward to the honble consumer court to help me in this regard.
So my suggestion to everyone is not to buy luminous ever.