If you are looking out for a inverter and confused between multiple options then I must tell you that your search is complete because Luminous is the one that you should get for your home
Battery Backup:
Luminous inverters are at top when it comes to the output and battery backup. Once charged completely, it gives you backup of more than 12 hours. It does not loose power in between .
The whole overall performance of the Luminous is great. It is famous brand when it comes to invereters. It gives you very good performance .
Power consumption:
It takes very less power to charge and even saves your most of the electricity. It comes with power saver mode which helps to save power and supplies only that much of power that is been required.
Its been over 19-20 months since I am using luminous inverter with exide battery and I have not faced any single problem till now. So I reccomend this to those who are looking for good quality and best inverter