Well well well, I am back on MS to write a review & take a guess on which product is it. oooooooffffffff............::Cant guess, never mind you will come to know automatically as u go on to read the revu.
The product is .........is...LumInviCumUps.
.................:Still u cant figure out what it is???Very Very bad:.................
Hey friends its a Luminous Inverter Cum UPS.I bought it around 3 months ago and am fully satisfied with its Quality & Service.
(At first was thinking to buy an Su-Kam Inverter.)
Available Colours---:
Silver & Blue
Pearl White
So, Firstly let me tell you what is an inverter cum Ups---: ???
An LumInviCumUPS is a machine which provides electricity to the Computer/Home during power failure or low-voltage so that you can continue the work you were doing before.
It acts as an UPS---: Kaise???
It was only possible through Micro controller digital technology.Through this technology various equipments like Tube lights, Fans & Computer can run altogether which eliminates the need of two equipments for similar applications.
Source of the information-: General Knowledge..
How does it work out??
Behind the inverter a switch is placed & with 2 Functions assigned to it.
Regulated Supply/UPS
Unregulated Supply/UPS
When the switch is towards Regulated UPS during a power failure, the inverter straight away provides electricity to the house and Computer.Thus, no harm is done to your Comp.
But when the switch is towardsUnregulated UPS during a power failure, the inverter waits for 2 minutes and only then it provides electricity to the house.
So if you already have a LumInviCumUPS always keep the switch towards Regulated Ups.
Backup---: (According to my observation)
The backup of the inverter is enough for a medium sized house in India.It can run your Computer (With the ad-ons like printer, scanner e.t.c.), 2 tubelight & 1 fan for around 4.5 hours but In terms of only tubelights & fans, it can help you for approximately 6 hours. The best thing about this inverter is that, it has got Brains.Whenever the load is high, it automatically switches off and after a stop of 5 minutes it again re starts, Thus providing us with electricity.
When compared to Su-Kam/G-Tec Inverters they give only a backup of 4 hours in totality.^
^I can say that because before buying Luminous, my Jiju was using a Su-kam Inverter & requested my father to go for Luminous.
With the growing popularity of inverters, the developers have started making various types of batteries like- Normal Battery, Tubular Battery, Selenium Battery e.t.c.
In my case I have had very bad experiences with the normal battery.Once it stopped working within 2 days of its purchase.(It was a G-Tec Battery).When called the companies service man, we were told that it will be replaced but will have to pay the half amount.Then we paid the 1/2 amount and got it replaced.But again, you will be shocked to know that the new battery also stopped working.
We then opted for Tubular Battery which was a bit expensive.The cool thing is that, its been 4 years & till now we faced not even a single problem with it.It takes around 2 hr to get fully charged and works much much better than does Pocket Eating Batteries.
Coming to Selenium Batteries, they are only used in high capacity office Inverters.
Nothing major has to be done during the warranty period.A person from the company will come & do the service.After the warranty period has finished, only water stored in the battery grooves has to replaced by you after every 3 months. Thats all.
Nowdays, the dealers are giving the trolley in which the battery is kept for free.
Due to the trolley:
- We can move the inverter from one place to another with ease as there are wheels fixed under it.(An inverter with the battery weighs-63 kgs)
2.The place where the inverter has been kept looks neat & tidy.
----------------------Superb Quality and Service----------------------
In other words inverter basically is an UPS & an UPS is basically an inverter.Both are the same things.So dont get fooled by the sales person.
Wishing you all a very HAPPY & PROSPEROUS new year...........2006
Do leave your invaluable ratings & comments ..........:)
Bye for now,
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Best Wishes,
yours, ÇÕMÞûTèR G££k®