With the deadly diseases like Dengue and Malaria showing its strong dominance almost everywhere how would you ensure that your drinking water is safe enough? In developing countries four-fifths of all the illnesses are caused by water-borne diseases, with diarrhea being the leading cause of childhood death.
Consuming clean and filtered water would defend the body from many diseases and result in complete wellness. Bad water may have dangerous toxins, bacteria and parasites mixed in them, and whats worse is that these things are usually invisible to the naked eye.
In fact, you could probably be ingesting some of it now without knowing it. Due to the rampant impurity of water and the crucial, physiological need for clean, fresh drinking water, several treatment alternatives have emerged throughout.
Dont worry; there is an easy solution to it! For the safety of your family, ensuring that nothing bad happens because of the water we use, a water purification system is an absolute necessity.
They are inexpensive, easy to use, and eliminate the complications of possible water borne illness but you need to be a bit careful to select the right appliance for you in terms of quality as well as usage.
Let’s find out in detail about this useful appliance. A water purifier, as the name suggests, it filters out the toxins generated through bacteria thus preventing bacterial infections that can grow quickly in water thus stopping this destructive substance from causing the body ill-health.
It gives you clean, safe water for food preparation and drinking, and is usually as suitable as tap water
But if you still believe that your Mineral water is THE BEST let’s have a quick look at these specific points.
Microbes, pesticides, and solvents have been detected throughout groundwater supplies, and have subsequently found their way into bottles, regardless of disinfection.
Water purifier once installed serves you for long unlike the bottled water that gives you the inconvenience to arrange it again and again.
Use of plastics as it cannot be completely decomposed causing environmental hazards
Many used bottles are refilled and sold again which do not cross any quality standard.
So realizing the convenience of the water purifiers let’s find out which one is the best … In finding the right water purifier system, there are only two things to consider. First, the amount you are willing to spend for it, and second, the type of options you need. To make it easier to decide which system is right for you, here’s a review on the latest water purifier by a well known brand -Luminous Power technologies.
Let’s discover what LUMINOUS promises us under this section.
Luminous classifies its water purifiers as
The Reverse Osmosis water purification process utilizes a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved impurities.
This process produces clear, fresh and pleasant tasting water even from brackish or contaminated water from various sources like wells, rivers or municipal supplies.
Luminous RO Water Purifiers has certain advantages over UV (Ultra Violet) Water Purifiers. Luminous RO Water Purifiers not only deactivates but also removes Bacteria/Viruses and chemical impurities in comparison to UV Water Purifiers.
It removes dissolved impurities and converts hard water into soft water that UV Water Purifiers cannot do. Luminous RO Water Purifiers enhances taste of water and leaves it odor free. No consumable chemicals are used.
Luminous Jewel wm + - Presenting Jewel wm + with Mineral Control, the most power-packed water purifier that comes
with two of the most advanced and reliable technologies of water purification: Reverse Osmosis & Ultra Filtration. Both,
when combined together in a single unit, remove any risks arising from impure or contaminated water for your family.
1) Dual Membrane Filtration (Ro & UF).
2) Mineral rich water.
3) In-built 9 liter storage capacity.
4) Fully automatic, auto start & auto switch off.
5) Higher water recovery.
Luminous Sparkle It protects your family from all kind of water borne diseases. It makes the water free from Physical, Chemical and Microbiological impurities. Its special 0.0001-micron RO membrane removes disease-causing Bacteria, Viruses, Cysts, Protozoa as well as reduces the ionic particles including TDS (Total Dissolved Salts), Pesticides and Heavy.
Metals from your potable water.
1) Auto flush system for better membrane performance.
2) Dual Delivery: one in-built tap for small glass and another faucet for large jugs.
3) Auto switch-off in case of spillage inside the cabinet.
4) Visual indication.
5) Optional RO Storage Tank (external).
6) Wall mount as well as counter top.
Now let’s move done to the UF WATER PURIFIERS.