The sound reception is very good loud sound high speaker volume sound is very good
I like only one thing on this mobile.
Come to ease of use its handling very well in hand & this phone easy of use. There no complicated in there so anyone can use easily.
Style and desing is quite good but not much slim.
Not so best range of features provide by this is really horrible not good I dont like that because. Phone is hang every time when I used more then 3 apps. The features of this phone is not good.
Camera of this phone very bad.
Rear camera is ok but front is very very bad.
Phoen not wprking fast. And display quality & . Colors ok but not good.
Battery backup is ok its working more tumes on calling.
So overall this phone is not good.
And price of this phone is large with bad features this phone is only for calling n texting. Thank you