I am using this phone till 6 months ago and now I like to give my oppinion on lyf water 1.
Screen performance-:
The visibility of the 5 inch screen is not so good and you cant even play 720p videos on it without and hangs or lags there are many hangs and some the the screen stops working when playing 720p videos on it and the resolution of the screen is also very bad and the screen looks like a cheep quality screen.
Processor performance-
This phone has a 1.5Ghz snapdragon processor which is good for multitasking between many apps without any hangs or lags only this proceesor is good in this phone and this makes your multitasking easy and lagless while you forgot to clear recent apps.
Gaming performance-
This device has a 2gb of ram in which only 885mb is available whis is very bad thing about this phone. I install GTA San Andreas on this device and when I run it fist time it stars lags and even I cant able to tap on the new game button so then I think it cant able to run this game so after that I install asphalt 8 game on this device and the same situation is on this game also so this device is not fpr gaming this device is only for multitasking between some small apps.
Back camera performance-:
This device has a 13mp bacl shooter which clicks good pictures but not so good wgen you focus on far objects this device camera cant able to focus on it and it starts blurring the far objects.and if you like to capture more closer objects so its also starts blurring the object and focus on the nearby area of the object.so over-all this device is not a camera phone.
Front camera performance-:
This device has a 5mp front shooter which clicks a decent pics in dalylight but in low light it cant able to focus on face or nearby area of the face and if you want brighter pictures so you have to go in front of the tubelight so then you got brighter pictures in your home.
Battery performance-:
This device has a 2600mah battery and this baterry is not sufficient fot the big screen of this device the standby time of the battery is only 13hrs and if you play games continuously or surfing the internet of take only 3 hrs to empty the battery which is a very bad battery backup for this huge device having Snapdragon on it.
Look and feel-:
Look of this phone are very good but feel in hand is very bad it looks like you are carrying a piece of plastic in your hand when you carry this device on your hand.the material of the outer body of this device is very cheep quality of the plastic and only the good thing about this device is the mirror finish at the back pannel. Haeting problem-:
The very bad thing about this phone is the heating problem of this phone. If u start using this device for a min it starts heating very much and if you touch the upper side of this device while using it it start heating your hand also and it is harmful for your hands also.