Lyf water is the best mobile in 2016 to 2017 and. Also this phone is very smart than other smart phones because so many features in so less price for
Ex: in the camera there us different types photo capturing qualities .
Also the camera of lyf is very super than other phone in same price .
Actualy in the same price of lyf mobile phone
We cant get this qualities . This lyf provide you .
Also lyf having icon system
For ex we have to read the book online that time you have to press the icon and activate the read mode and then see mobile is like book .
So this mode is better for read the books online.
And there are so many short-cuts technology in this lyf phone for ex
Your mobile is lock , now we want to go in gallery then just write e on mobile screen and then you see your direct in mobile gallery
And like this short cut so many shortcuts are given in this LYF smart phone and also in the camera we can capture the photo through sencer and also we can capture photo through your fingers and also we we can capture hd photo and also so many smart tecnologies given in this .
Also in so less price lyf provide you amezing features those features which we can not get in this less price . So decide we want to more features in small amount or more features in big amount
After all LYF is very smart is minimum price