Hello everyone I am sharing my thoughts on LYF Wind1 after using it for some days. the given problems are arising in this device.
-Another problem regarding its camera it is very Worst quality
Too much hanging problem and lagging problem
Battery backup also not good
Heating like a heater which is the serioiuse problem.
And its required update to make better phone.
rear camera is also not so good as it was expected.
RAM is pretty low thats why the performance of this device is very poor.
hearing speker very very low
Wifi connection drops everytimes now and then which is annoying while on social media, watch videos online and downloading something etc. it reconnects to wifi in few seconds or so but still annoying
You have to reboot or off the phone when trying to clear all the opened apps.
suggetion; actually there is not the serious problem for this price but hanging problem is there hearing speker very very low I go to the service center he said ok but I am not satifaction heating problem also there pls think and buy only think unlimted call and data free this how many days they will provide us at the same cost.