This is a very good mobile and a handy one.Handy in terms of both physical and inside stuff.Earlier I was using my fathers Samsung grand and was slightly upset about its battery, speed and also about its cost.As the need arose to buy a new mobile for personal use, I thought of going for a cheaper one as even the expensive ones were bad. When seeing the various ranges of mobiles this sleeky designed mobile caught my sight.It was so stylish and when I held it I was amused, because it was very light.I decided to buy wind 4 and bought it.I am using it since 2 months and there are no complaints.I even got the jio offer of unlimited 4g for 3 months.Everything is fine the battery, the speed and also the cost. I feel that it is equal to any of the branded mobiles and a must buy if you are looking for a low budget phone.