This mobile is one of the best from Reliance company.It has very much audible speakers which give a clear voice without disturbing.It also got extra app which dtswhich helps to get more clear voice than normally.It is very much comfortable to use as it has a very much smooth back panel and has god 2 gb ram which helps in smooth funtioning of mobile.Recommended for extremely busy persons.It has got a unique design interface which attracts everyone , it is very much similar to the iphone 6 jet black model.Any one would think it as an iphone if they would watch from far .A great curved edges with a huge metal body.It is very much durable to us in our day to life as it works faster , quick in acess.It is really a great value of money , which value of money getting a 2gb ram is also a big think which is under 1000ruppees.I recommend it as one of the best mobile phones.