I purchased Lyf Wind 7 6 months back. Its was showing and software error and after consulting customer care, I went to Reliance Service Centre, Niranjanpur, Dehradun. I was amazed to see such a huge crowd at Service Center. Everyone was complaining about the phone and explaining their worst experience. My turn came after an hour and I had been told that there was water in phone. I was amazed and after 30 mins they told told me that most of the parts are damaged and it for changing they will charge for Rs. 4700/-. I told him to put the mobile as it is surprisingly it was working fine after putting those back. Everyone at service was suspicious about the behavior of that guy since how it is possible that mobile phone will be working fine even after their parts are damaged.
They didnt gave me any service invoice or receive but when I insisted they give me an reply that it has been recorded and the SMS you get is the proof of it has been serviced.
Very unprofessional and defective service they are providing, I think this way they are forwarding toward dead end.