I am a MSD fan and this movie is must for msd fan. I enjoyed a lot.struggle of msd is inspiring. he had so much of disappointing moment but he positivity towards life and his belif in himself and his sport was enough to convince why he is known as caption cool.But there was a only a sequence of kharagpur where as doing a job of tc, he was totally broken.he didnt knew how to get out of that situation.one day when he is frastrated and think of himself traped, suddenly he saw a empty train before him. he had an intuation that if je boarded rhat train , he was going to be star.he boarded that train and never looked back in his professional life.In his personal life he had to go through a lot. he lost his first girlfriend who also was his lady luck.he somehow recovered from it.And found her trait replica in sakshi, who was a hotel management student and met dhoni in hotel taj palace.
His story is inspiring.The undying desire to be someone.Shushant has done a magnificent piece of work.the movie is well directed.Backgroundscore are good.A GREAT MOVIE.