This one my favorite movie and also of other Indian brothers and sisters, because most of us has cricket as our favorite sport . And Dhoni can be called one of the the legends of Indian cricket. As a fan of cricket we are to know about the life of such a great person . Watching the film can be a great way to know about Dhoni. It is a very inspirational and motivational film as it shows the struggle of the Indian captain to get the position . It also
teach us that if we had a passion no one can stop us . If we talk about cinematography it is good but not as much as the story. Performance is really good as I cant find any difference between Dhoni & Sushant . Music is really really god especially Kaun Tujhe and Phir Kabhi. The plot selected is good enough to feel like then . At last, We can cocclude that the film is good and te money we spent is worthy.