I was 3 months pregnant in 2008. I had abdominal pains with bleeding. We were showing to a gyno in this hospital. She was on looking into patients who had come to her during her visiting hours. My husband went and informed her on my status. Guess what the doctor did !!! She made me wait for a whole 1 hour with that strong pain and bleeding outside the waiting room. Even the receptionist felt pity on me.. Anyhow, 1 hour over and she did an internal scan. Baby heartbeat was there. Got admitted that day( Saturday).
The next day, gyno came in and did a painful internal check with the forceps and what not... soon after she left, pain started again. We were tired of all this hungama and we already had a child. We did not want to go through such painful process.
PAin started as in normal delivery. Called in the nurses who kept on saying 5 minutes.. I had vomited by then, pain was unbearable. They took me to labour room to do DNC. All the while, the junior docs poked me 7 times to get the vein. Waited for 3 hours to get to operation theatre. Then came the biggest question from my gyno.." Whether I wanted to wait till mon for a scan to check internally"". I said no and she continued with my DNC.. They did not even a radiolgist on a sun for emergency cases. I was the happiest person then after all the pain was over..
No one survives once u step into this hospital. Please never go there. RMV hospital did a great job with my first baby.