Located in agar district which is 51st district of mp is 60km from Ujjain and nalkheda tehsil is about 35km from agar and another way to reach is from bhopal, bravura, khilcipur, Susner to nalkheda temple is nice and people have a saying that maata listen to every one, as well as local population concerned people are average, there is nothing else attractive place in nalkheda except this temple, as far as hotels and restaurants concerned I think there is not even a single good hotel in nalkheda and also in agar even in agar there are on three hotels near bus stand, with not so good facilities, so if u want to worship Bangla mukhi Mata it will be better that u should bring up own vehicle so that u can stay in agar after or before Darshan or move to other destinations rating of this place decrease due to lass facilities for tourism