The title of this famous play means Mother Retires The main role of the mother is played by none other than the most versatile actress wife of the Amitabh Bacchan (famous actor and even more famous for his wax statue in London)This play is a must for every woman whatever her age. Its an eyeopener to the bitter truths of life however well-coated with sugar, they may be. In fact it would serve a greater purpose and be more effective if a woman sees it with her husband or other male family members. The play, so slowly and casually and oh so naturally , slips into the very core of a womans existence; she who is the nucleus who keeps her family functioning to their utmost comfort, is so suddenly shattered... her life is twisted, her heart is torn ...There is always this last straw on a camels back. I dont want to say anymore because I can in no way match the excellent manner in which the play unfolds itself...scene by scene ...could be anyones home...A must for every woman to learn and exercise what she stands for...Every woman will have to realise and emulate Sudha, played so lovingly by Jaya Bacchan, at some point in her life. The story revolves around her (Sudha). She is presented as a middleaged woman, with a husband, two married sons with their young wives and an infant grandchild. The sooner a young woman learns the truth of her lifes worth, her value (and her values) in the home, the better adjusted will she be towards family members around her, and most importantly, to herself. This applies to both, the young and the old men too.No family is complete without them.